Year in Review: 3 Stars in 3 Days

This past year, my best friend in San Francisco, “The Jenius,” traveled to 3 countries and had amazing culinary experiences of 30 Michelin Stars in 30 days. The Jenius’ experience and encouragement as well as our deep bond over food inspired me to step up and try the same – somewhat – as my bank account could allow.

In April 2018, I had two incredible dining experiences in two US cities – New York and San Francisco – that are both my home, of 3 Michelin Stars in 3 days.

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One-Pan Alaskan Halibut and Veggies

As a Foodie and Runner, my post-workout meals have to be delicious while giving me the necessary nutrients to stay healthy and recover efficiently.

I’ve cooked and tried a wide range of recipes. One meal that I tried which stood out the most this year and have cooked repeatedly is Tasty’s “One-Pan Salmon and Veggies.” I adapted this recipe with my favorite type of fish, Alaskan Halibut, and followed the recipe accordingly by doubling the serving size. Not only was this easy and fast to make but also delicious and healthy with a balance of carbs, protein and veg as well as use of whole foods.

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